Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Not about machines

I am pretty sure that I am not the only person struggling with time right now.  A lot of us have had our schedules upended, either by having to work more or differently, or not being able to work at all.  Some of us suddenly have kids around all the time.  Errands have taken on new complexity.  And where did all this hair come from?


I confess that I hate change.  I like knowing what is going to happen and when.  The vicissitudes of life with this new non-schedule are real and impactful.  What to do?  Routine to the rescue!


Now I know that some of us are groaning right now.  Our creative brains don’t want to submit to some routine that is the tool of the patriarchy designed to mold us into perfect little machines.  Stop for a second.  Take a couple of breaths.  That’s not the kind of routine I’m talking about.


I’m talking about the kind that saves energy for the real creative stuff we want to do.  The kind that lets us brush our teeth on autopilot and find our coffee mug in the cabinet without having to think about where it might be.


When we add our fitness work to our routine, we don’t have to figure out, every single day, where the heck we’re going to fit it in.  We just show up and do it, whether it is between coffee and shower or after dinner and before Netflix.  Let’s save our brainpower for the stuff we really want it for and let our workouts happen routinely.

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