Thursday, April 30, 2020


Since it looks like we might be stuck at home a while, I have a couple of thoughts about what folks might want to have in a home gym.  I’m specifically choosing things that can be used in multiple ways and that don’t take up a humongous amount of space.

1.     TRX.  If there is a place to anchor the straps (the over door mount is not really very good/safe), this is a good, relatively cheap way to get a lot of workout in a small amount of space.
2.     BOSU.  It takes up a bit of space, but it adds core work to pretty much any exercise by adding an element of instability.  Can also sub for a step in a lot of circumstances.
3.     Medicine ball.  They are more “functional fitness” than a whole bunch of dumbbells and offer everything from cardio to stability challenge.
4.     Stability ball.  Again, this one takes up a bit more space, but it is also a good option as a switch from a normal desk chair.  It adds challenge to pushups and crunches, support to squats, and a sense of fun to everything because, hey, it’s a giant bouncy ball!
5.     Kettle bell.  Flexible, functional fitness without taking up tons of space.

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