Wednesday, April 15, 2020


What with the way the world is going right now, all our usual patterns are disrupted.  No kidding.  One consequence of this disruption, as we build new patterns, is that our bodies respond.

Sometimes this is a good thing.  Cricket, my dog, loves this new thing where she gets more than one walk a day.  We’ve even been taking different routes, which means, of course, that there are New Things to sniffle and pee on.  For her.  For me, it means that I have to pay attention to which shoes I wear; more walking aggravates some of those less pleasant “features” of my body if I don’t wear the supportive shoes.  It also means that the old, shorter walks don’t feel like enough of an energy burn—that’s because I’ve adapted to a new level of activity.

The downside, hinted at above, is that we can develop new less than fabulous patterns.  All the extra typing I’m doing is reminding me that my wrists are considering giving in to the carpal tunnel torture.  Those of us who are exercising more may find ourselves more sore in unexpected places.  Those of us who are exercising less may find that our joints do not appreciate all that stillness.

The best news?  We have choices.  We can choose the things that make us feel better.  We can pay attention to form (yes, even while sitting at our desks surfing the web).  We can come out of this with both bodily and mental resilience.

We can do this.

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