Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Step away from the fridge...

I admit:  I’m a stress eater.  I know I’m not the only one.  Add the fact that I like to cook and that I’m protecting my clients by not working with them in person right now, and I could be in trouble.  I am not the only one.  Stress and boredom are both triggers for a lot of people to eat.

One thing that helps combat both stress and boredom is exercise.  I know we can’t (and shouldn’t) exercise all the time, but even a short walk or stretch session can improve mood and at least interrupt our M&M consumption.

We can also pay attention to what we eat.  Sure, candy is extremely sweet and soothing.  But we can experiment to see if we can find other snacks that have fewer calories or more nutritive value or both while still helping us feel full.

Finally, we need to remember that our primary health goal right now is preventing the spread of disease and keeping our most vulnerable people from dying.  If it takes a few extra Snickers bars, totally worth it.

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