Friday, December 20, 2019

Wanna calendar?

Almost all of my current clients have received their Christmas gift from me.  Because I am paranoid, I made some extras, so if anyone would like a Recess 2020 weekly calendar with a workout and photo for each week, let me know and I’ll bring or send you one!

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Five minutes, five things, zero dollars

I am in the mood to get stuff done quickly, so here are five things that are good for us that take five minutes or less and are free.  Go for it:

      Drink some water.  Hydrated people are happy and healthy people.
      Take some deep breaths.  It makes our stress level drop.
      Stand up.  Too much sitting turns us into pumpkins.  Not literally.  But do it anyway.
      Stretch.  This is something we all need to do more of.  Muscles like it.  It feels good.
      Hug somebody.  If you can, take the whole five minutes.  So much good feeling!!!

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Go outside and play

I believe in science.  I like modern medicine because here I am, a person who did not die of all the childhood diseases against which I was vaccinated, who survived two pregnancies with healthy outcomes for both me and the kids in spite of complications, and who needed pharmacological help with depression for years.

There are things, however, that medicine doesn’t do and science hasn’t figured out yet.  All the pills in the world are not going to make up for unhealthy food choices.  There is no drug to replace exercise.  For that matter, there’s no pharmaceutical substitute for hugs and the other human contact we need to survive.

Even when there are technological interventions, they always work better if we do the human stuff, too.  That knee replacement isn’t going to do much good if we shirk the physical therapy.  If we don’t change the lifestyle things that are causing the pain, we’re going to have to deal with drug side effects and maybe addiction as well.

It’s low-tech and not particularly exciting, but let’s eat the veggies and get sweaty and go outside to play.  That’s what life is made out of, even more than DNA and stardust.