I am a big believer in routine. For a long time, I resisted this. I mean, I wanted to be one of those floaty creative people who went as the spirit moved and somehow managed to be interesting and well-dressed at the same time. Yeah, OK, I was deluded. And not just about the part where I am ever going to achieve well-dressed. (I’ll settle for clean.)
It turns out that, for me, routine is the thing that unlocks both creativity and achievement. I’m pretty sure I’m not alone in this.
What I observed, when I looked at my life, was that the things I did automatically always got done. I, like most of us, do not forget to brush my teeth when I get up in the morning. I have forgotten to eat approximately twice in my entire life. Attaching other things I wanted to do to those automatic tasks eventually turned them into automatic tasks, too. Which means that now, when I get up in the morning, I know that I’m going to get certain stuff done without devoting a lot of mental energy to it.
One of those things is my workout. It just happens, along with brushing my teeth. (Haven’t tried working out and brushing my teeth at the same time, but I don’t think it would work very well.)
Please note: I am a morning person. Attaching stuff to my morning routine is relatively simple for me. Even making an evening routine is a struggle because I am extra stupid at that time of day. We need to do stuff at times that work for us.
Try it. Then tell me how it worked!