When I ask new clients about what their goals are, a lot of them say they want to get in shape. That’s a groovy goal and all, but it’s not very specific. To get to “in shape,” we have to figure out what “in shape” means.
No, I’m not just being a jerk here. Even though we share language, we each have our own idiosyncratic interpretations of things. One person may define in shape as a particular number on the scale. Another might have a pair of jeans from high school lurking in the back of the closet as a visual representation of in-shape-ness. Yet another person may think of being in shape as readiness to run a marathon. Some of us want our blood pressure in a better range or maybe to get to the top of the stairs without feeling out of breath.
As we figure out what “in shape” is, we can begin to plan how to get there. Some of us will need to focus on cardio. Others may need more strength training. Most of us probably need to take a look at what we’re putting in our mouths.
Put another way, the goal determines the path. Where would you like to go?