Monday, August 16, 2021

Monday Workout: Twist!

This week we’re working with the transverse plane (that is, twisting!).  This is good practice for the twists and turns of real life!  Three rounds.


overhead curtseys


deadlifts or 1 leg deadlifts





kb swings


kb twists


kb 8s




suitcase swings


lunge twists


pretty princesses



Thursday, August 12, 2021

I think we can all include that fifth reason...

We all have different reasons for working out, and they’re all valid as long as they are really ours (other people don’t get to have reasons for OUR workouts; they can do their own).  Here are five we might find motivating.


1.     We want to live longer.  Exercise helps us avoid a huge long list of things that can kill us, including heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, glucose management, and more.

2.     We want to live better.  None of us particularly want to live to be 215 if the last half is all about wheelchairs, diapers, and drool.  Active people tend to have a better quality of life as they age.

3.     We want to look cute.  For some of us, this is all about muscle tone.  Others of us would just like to fit into cuter clothes.

4.     We want to do something else that requires our fitness.  Maybe we want to do a hiking trip through Europe.  Maybe we want to check out 57 books from the library at once and get them all to the car.  Maybe we want to play tag with our puppy or child or grandchild.  Fitness is useful for all of those things and more.

5.     We want better sex.  Do I need to explain this one?  I didn’t think so.


Go play. 

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

I don't care about your attitude

There is a strong trend or pressure or theme in our society about having a positive attitude.  You read about people who feel that they beat cancer by thinking positive or visualized their way to great wealth and happiness or whatever.  I am not going to opine about whether those stories are true or not, but I am going to say that it is not all that important to have a positive attitude during a workout.


Workouts are challenging.  They’re supposed to be.  We are, on purpose, pushing our bodies to do more than they’d choose to do on their own (bodies are really really good at finding the easiest way to do something).  We do not need to project our inner ballerina while we work out; we are not performing for an audience.  It is all right to sweat and swear and whine about how hard things are.  Smiles are not essential to the process.  We do not have to put pressure on ourselves to do the hard thing and project enjoyment the whole time—workouts are for bodies, not for character development.


That said, it is definitely all right to celebrate that record lift or new fastest time.  It is all right to make silly jokes and to take ourselves lightly while we lift heavy.


The important bit in all of it is that we show up and do the work.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

No pain, no... Yeah, I don't buy it

I am, perhaps, a little countercultural for a personal trainer.  I really hate the slogan, “No pain, no gain.”  A lot.  Pain is there for a reason, and the reason is not to make us stronger, but to make us stop when we need to.


This is not to say that working out is always as comfortable as lying in bed or as fun as a birthday party.  Sometimes we do have to do some things we’d rather not.  Very few exercises actually hurt (looking at you, hamstring curls with the TRX) if we are doing them correctly.  I will always be honest about exercises that may not be the most pleasant, I will explain why I want us to do them, and, if they are not appropriate for the person in front of me, I’ll substitute something else.


We need to understand the difference between discomfort and pain.  Discomfort is the feeling we have when we’re out of breath because we’re doing some challenging cardio or when our muscles are fatigued on the last rep of a set.  Pain is the feeling that accompanies injury—the sprained ankle, the broken arm, the torqued back.  When we feel pain, the appropriate response is to stop what we are doing, period.  It is not something to push through or buck up under or whatever macho suck-it-up phrase we want to use.  If we do keep going when there is pain, we are asking to make our injury worse, our recovery longer, and our lives more miserable.


Discomfort, on the other hand, means that we are doing what we need to do to grow.  We need to put up with it during our workouts, but once the workouts are done, I am a big believer in making it go away.  That might mean rest, or Ibuprofen if that is something we can take, or extra hydration, or a hot bath or shower, or ice.


It doesn’t have to be horrible, dear ones.

Monday, August 9, 2021

Monday Workout: Balance

We had a bit of a break from balance exercises, but now I’m back to them because they are so beneficial to our daily life.  Three rounds.


squat to leg lift







mountain climbers


1 leg deadlift





lunge punches


1 leg squat


Russian twist



Thursday, August 5, 2021

Six Ways to Sleep Tight


Getting enough sleep is hard.  Here are six ways to make it a little easier.


1.     Cut down or eliminate the caffeine.  This may sound like crazy talk to those of us who worship at the local Starbucks.  Kicking the habit can be awful in the short term, but in the long term it can help us build a better relationship with sleep and a more realistic idea of what we should be doing.

2.     Get in some cardio.  There is a pretty strong correlation between getting enough exercise and improved sleep.

3.     Find a mindfulness practice.  One of the big barriers to falling asleep is what I call Hamster Head—that little rodent won’t stop running through all the things on the to-do list or the litany of embarrassing things I’ve done since I was three or random song lyrics.  Learning to meditate can help chill that little beast out.

4.     Turn off the tech.  I’ve been working on this one myself.  Instead of binge-watching more cop shows in the evening, I’ve been doing some old-fashioned reading with an actual book.  I’m falling asleep faster.  (Note:  this is anecdotal evidence and not scientifically valid, but real scientists have done studies that indicate that turning off the screens an hour or so before bed improve sleep latency, which is the time between going to bed and falling asleep.)

5.     Schedule it.  This one can be hard, especially for those of us who enjoy sleeping in when we can.  However, bodies like routine, so if we practice going to bed at a regular time and getting up at a regular time, our bodies adapt and learn to sleep during those hours.

6.     Get comfy.  Some of us want all the pillows.  Some want cool sheets.  Some need total darkness.  We can take the time to find our own best practices for sleeping and create that environment.  When I was sick as a kid, my mom would come in and smooth out the sheets and untangle the blankets, which made the bed comfortable again; now we get to be our own moms.


As we say in our house, don’t bite the bedbugs; they hate that.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Defining Rest

Yesterday I wrote a little about how we need to temper our enthusiasm for working out with periods of rest.  Today I want to dive into what rest looks like, because it doesn’t always look like lying on the couch like a slug (although there are times when that is a perfectly valid way to rest!).


When we first start working out, we want to be building the habit of working out as much as we want to be building up our endurance and our strength.  It is better to do short workouts almost every day than one long workout and then nothing until the next Monday rolls around.  For fresh-off-the-couch fitness enthusiasts, I recommend starting with fifteen to thirty minutes of cardio on five days of the week and maybe one weight workout per week.  That leaves one day for the couch.


As we get more fit, our workouts can get longer and/or more intense.  We may not have a couch day every week, just days when we take the intensity down a lot (walk versus run, yoga instead of heavy weights, etc.).  We also may realize that things that used to be workouts aren’t really all that strenuous anymore—that walk to the coffee shop that used to take half an hour round trip now takes half the time and we don’t even sweat—so now it counts as activity rather than exercise.  Activity can be a form of rest, too.


One kind of rest that should be (but isn’t, here in Reality Land) nonnegotiable is getting enough sleep.  It is hard to fit our 7 to 9 hours of sleep in with all the other things we have to get done, but without it, we are hamstringing our ability to make progress with our workouts, not to mention the even more important parts of life.


Work hard and then get some rest!