Now that more of us are getting vaccinated and we’re allowed to see our friends safely, it’s time to talk about workout buddies again. I am totally in favor of them, but it is important to choose the right ones.
Sometimes the people we love best are not the best workout buddies for us. We are not looking for a soul mate in a workout buddy. Here is what we ARE looking for:
Great workout buddies keep us accountable. That dear friend who is always late or bails out at the last minute may be a wonderful human, but they will not help us achieve our workout goals.
We want workout buddies who are more or less at the same level of fitness we are. If we work out with someone who is a lot less fit than we are, we won’t get much of a workout (however, this can be a Good Deed with a side of active rest for us and an opportunity to connect). If we work out with someone a lot fitter than we are, we run the risk of working too hard or of getting discouraged.
We also want workout buddies who can focus enough. That friend who has fascinating stories to tell might be perfect if both of us can still keep enough of our minds on pedaling/running/walking, but if the stories distract us from lifting form or traffic maybe not so much.
All of that said, active fun with our friends is good for us, even if those folks are not our perfect workout buddies. Go play!