Hi, my name is Janet and I’m a metaphor addict. The thing is, I have no intention of reforming. Those things work like ants plundering a picnic (see?).
I spend a lot of my time with clients giving instructions. Bend this, lift that, and so on. But I don’t just care about the rude outline of the motion; I want to get all the details in the picture (it is happening again…). Some of us know a lot about anatomy and I can say things like, “Engage your adductors” and get results, but some folks have no idea what I mean by that, so I say things like “Squeeze a beach ball between your thighs.”
“You are one of those drinking bird toys.” “Pull a sheet of paper apart under your feet.” “Spread your abs out like a rubber band.” We are people who live by analogy and a lot of what I do is finding the one that speaks to the person in front of me at any given time.
I joke all the time about my invisible tool kit. Perhaps the most useful of those invisible tools is words.