Thursday, February 18, 2021


Yesterday I talked about starting small.  Here are five small changes to try:


1.     Stretch before getting out of bed.  In the morning, our muscles need to wake up, too.  Our fascia gets all gummed up to our muscles, too, and needs to loosen up a bit.  A whole body stretch and maybe a spinal twist or two will improve our day.

2.     Put back one scoop.  Portion control is one of the keys to avoiding weight gain or promoting weight loss.  Try scooping out one less spoonful of casserole and see if it helps.

3.     Go to bed on time.  “On time” can mean different things to each of us, but aim for a time that allows for enough healthy sleep.  No, I am not sorry if this means we have to wait another day to finish binging that series.

4.     Meditate for five minutes.  We don’t have to get fancy.  Just sit and breathe quietly for five minutes.  The brain needs a break, too.

5.     Go for a walk.  Even if we just go to the end of the block.  Outside is good for us.


Go play.

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