Thursday, January 9, 2020

Six on the Ninth!

Some days working out is harder than other days.  Here are six ways to talk ourselves into squeezing in a workout even if we don’t much want to do it:

1.     We’ll feel better afterwards.  I use this one a lot and it is invariably true.  At the very least, I get to feel like I have been a person of character for showing up.
2.     We’ll be smarter.  Exercise is good for our brains.  Who doesn’t want to be smarter?  We have so much to figure out in our daily lives (Where do the socks disappear to?  Why can’t I read and sleep at the same time?  Who are these people who care how fitted sheets get folded?  Why can’t we figure out how to feed and house and clothe everyone?) that any extra mind resources are awesome.
3.     We’ll relax.  Sure, workouts can be stressful in the moment.  That’s kind of the point, to put some good stress on the body to make it stronger.  But there is pretty much nothing that relieves the tension of a bad day like slinging some weights around or running our hearts out on the pavement or treadmill.
4.     We’ll give ourselves a treat afterward.  Hot showers, naps, cuddle time… no calories involved!
5.     We have friends who are counting on us.  We may be able to justify blowing off the gym, but we can’t blow off our besties.  They keep us honest and keep us moving.
6.     We can brag about it.  We did something hard!  We are proud of ourselves!  Go us!

We can do this.

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