Wednesday, May 10, 2017

They have an event for that, right?

My son made me a sewing box in shop class a few years back.  It is beautiful, solid wood.  And it weighs about forty pounds.  (I am a pretty good estimator of stuff like that.)  My ironing board, which I stole fair and square from my mother, who stole it fair and square from her mother-in-law, is solid, sturdy, and heavy as sin.  I keep my fabric in plastic tubs on the top shelf of my office closet, which can be reached only by standing on a lower shelf, twisting around, swearing loudly (that part might be optional, but I wouldn’t know), and heaving awkwardly.

This is why I work out:  so I can be strong and agile enough to sew.

I am half joking.

I have made the point before and I will make it again, I am sure.  I never waste a good point.  Fitness is not an end in itself.  We work on fitness so we can do other things we really want to do, whether that is running through fields of flowers with our beloveds or hauling down the big mixer to make cookies with our kids.

For the record, I intend to win the Olympic event of carrying a sewing box around spiral stairs without whacking too many shins.

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