Tuesday, May 9, 2017

I get to pick up T. today, so thoughts on driving!

Because I am exceptionally lucky, I do not have to drive every day.  I might pick commuting as my least favorite part of contemporary society, except for the usual racism/sexism/agism/ablism stuff, and rudeness, I hate rudeness.  The reasons I do not like driving pretty much boil down to this:  it’s uncomfortable and it’s bad for us.  Since my Tuesday is going to be spent driving, here are my favorite tips for how to make it less horrible.

1.     Bring a tennis ball.  Or a lacrosse ball, or a fancy yoga tune-up ball.  Placed between your back and the seat, it can remove some of those tension knots and improve posture at the same time.  Under one cheek on the seat, it relieves hip and butt tension.  Please note:  there is no throwing of balls in the car.  Do not make me turn around.
2.     Bring a duck.  I’ve written about the duck before.  The duck is a curved plastic stick with a duck head shape at one end.  It hooks over your shoulder and releases the pressure points in that spot where you really love it when people rub with their thumbs.  The duck I have cost $1.50 at the Daiso store.  It is worth the investment.
3.    Sing.  This is not about the power of music, although that is also good for transforming a chore into an adventure.  It’s not even about entertaining the drivers around you with your patented arm motions.  It’s about breathing.  If you are singing, you are definitely breathing and breathing leads to All Good Things.
4.     Bring rations.  Water and snacks can turn what seems like forty years of wandering in the desert into a quick jaunt with scenery.
5.     Clean your car.  It’s the last thing we want to do when we finally arrive.  It’s no big deal to leave those wrappers there.  We might need that scarf/jacket/hat tomorrow.  Do it anyway.  Making your habitat nice makes you nicer.  Trust me.

6.    (This one is cheating.)  Only drive to good places.  If you want to go or if you want to see the people there, it will be a better drive.

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