Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Weight a Minute!

For a bunch of reasons, weight lifting was off-limits to me for a while.  It feels so good to be back at it!  And, of course, there are frustrations.

Time off from weights means that I am not where I was when I stopped.  There is no special magic dispensation for trainers, so I have to work my way back up just like everyone else.  I get to be sore and tired and sometimes discouraged.  I have to talk myself into finishing (and sometimes even starting) workouts.

What motivates me is how I feel when I accomplish things.  I like to be strong.  I like to think of myself as a person who lifts weights and does hard things.

Finding the things that get us through the frustrations makes all the difference.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Power Shift

I am in a funny field.  As much as I love my job, I sometimes deeply dislike my industry.  There are times when I feel that the fitness industry caters to the worst in human nature:  vanity, pride, pretense, discrimination and the like.  That is not what I want to do.

I want to empower people.

For some people, empowerment works out to a newfound ability to do fun things without pain.  Maybe that’s as simple as being able to kneel down to garden or as complicated as finishing a first or fifth or eighth marathon.  For others, learning to lift heavy objects in the literal sense teaches them to lift the heavy metaphorical objects off their own psyches; I believe in self-rescuing princesses.  Sometimes empowerment does involve losing weight, but I prefer to focus on how we feel (stronger, lighter, more energetic) than how we look.

In practice, what this means is that my studio is a place where it is okay to sweat and look messy and to wear whatever is comfortable.  We celebrate victories of all kinds.  When things are tough, we breathe through them.  We take the time we need to stretch and recover.

Our material culture will constantly point out our flaws.  Many of us firmly believe that we will never be enough.  Let’s fight the power and be our most awesome selves instead.

Monday, May 21, 2018

Monday Workout: Of course there are squats

As I often do, I included squats in this week’s workout.  Not everyone does the same kind of squats.  For some clients, squats with the stability ball or TRX are more appropriate.  Some clients can use the challenge of the BOSU or the turntable.  Sometimes we do sumo squats.  Changing up a workout can be as simple as altering what version of a favorite exercise we do on a particular day.  Feel free to adjust as needed.  Three rounds.

ball slams

opposite knees
bench press

suitcase swings