Tuesday, October 31, 2023

I want to be a fairy princess, or maybe a barbarian...

Halloween is a day when we get to pretend to be something we aren’t.  Or maybe it’s a day when we choose to express a part of ourselves that we usually keep inside.  Either way, it’s a day of possibilities.

One possibility we can try on is living like a person who prioritizes health and well-being.  This might not sound as edgy as dressing up like a vampire or a monster, but, trust me, it’s just as countercultural.


What if, just for this one day, we decide to move because we love our bodies and we like them to feel good?  What if we feed ourself food that nourishes our bodies and souls while still being delicious?  What if we give ourselves permission to play, to rest, and to sleep?


I admit that the results could be scary, indeed.  We may discover that we like opting out of the all-stress-all-the-time cycle.  We may feel so much better eating real food that we no longer feel drawn by the siren song of drive-through fries.  We may not need to do so much retail therapy when we can regulate our emotions with cardio.


Change is scary, but it can be wonderful, too.

Monday, October 30, 2023

Monday Workout: Halloween!!!!!

This week, our workout dressed up for Halloween.  We didn’t even have to torture the exercises too badly to fit into the acrostic!  Depending on time, do two to four rounds.


H - high knees


A - Arnold press


L- lunge


L - lateral raise


O - oblique crunch


W - woodchopper


E - extend triceps


E - elbow plank


N - narrow squats



Thursday, October 26, 2023

The Amazing Stickie and Leg Pull

Today the Amazing Stickie wants a challenge for her shoulder flexibility, upper body strength, and core control, so she’s doing the Pilates Leg Pull.  (No, this does not mean that Uncle Joe is going to play a joke on her!)

As with many Pilates exercises, there are options for Stickie to choose.  The starting position is sitting on the floor, hands slightly behind the hips, legs extended in front of the body.  The position of the hands is where the choices come in:  Stickie can have her fingers pointing away from her body, out to the sides, or towards her body.  Different positions will feel differently for different people, but generally folks find it most challenging to have the fingers pointing toward the body and least challenging to have them pointing to the sides, but the best way to find out which way works best is to try all three!


Once Stickie has chosen a hand position, she lifts her pelvis toward the ceiling, pressing her feet into the floor.  Basically, she is doing an upside down plank.  The main part of the exercise starts now.  On an inhale, Stickie lengthens one leg and lifts it toward the ceiling.  She keeps her pelvis stable (i.e., she doesn’t let her butt sag down!) as she lifts.  Then she exhales as she lowers her leg back to the upside down plank position.  She alternates legs and does about ten reps on each side.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023


This post requires all my usual disclaimers:  I am not a doctor, therapist, nutritionist, or dietician.  Please check with any/all of those other kinds of folks for advice from people with more education and training than I have.  That said, the general comments below are within the scope of my practice.

What we eat affects how we feel.  (Thank you, Captain Obvious!)  Even if all that changes is that we don’t feel hungry anymore after we eat, we have changed our state of being.  Since we’re going to make a change anyway, it might as well be a good change.


It is both easy and hard to eat healthy food in our culture.  We have an incredible abundance of food and a boggling number of choices.  (Digression:  I used to worry that my kids didn’t eat a particularly varied diet.  Then one day they were discussing whether Ethiopian food or sushi was better.  I relaxed.)  Unfortunately, a lot of the choices we have are not ones that are particular good for us.  Food deserts exist.  Food insecurity is a big problem, exacerbated by all kinds of societal pressures right now.  We are stressed and it is way easier to get ice cream at the drive-through than it is to get a real, healthy meal cooked.


It's worth it, though.


We need to try to eat a non-potato vegetable fairly often.  We need to drink water.  We need to eat food that still looks more or less like it did when it started, not like a sad and pummeled version of itself pumped up with sugar, salt, and a bunch more chemicals.


Try an apple.  They’re in season.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Go have a healthy snack

An awful lot of us walk around feeling tense all the time.  Not in the psychic sense (although that is true, too, but beyond the scope of my practice to address), but in the physical, my-muscles-don’t-move kind of way.  In doing my homework on flexibility and stretching, I learned that there are some not-so-obvious potential causes of that tension.

Of course, we have the usual suspects:  mental and physical stress and physical deconditioning.  Most of us need to address those as actual or potential problems all the time.


But sleep deficiency can cause excessive muscle tension.  Maybe we need to rest more!


Another pair of interesting factors:  dehydration and poor nutrition.  Drinking enough water and eating healthy snacks can improve how tense our muscles feel!  How cool is that?


We all know that feeling of tension we have when we’ve worked out too hard and everything in our bodies declares that we are never moving again, ever.  However, when we don’t move, our bodies also don’t like it and our muscles get tense.  We have to find the sweet spot.


Go play.

Monday, October 23, 2023

Monday Workout: Change? Change!

I love our usual workout template, but sometimes we need to do things differently.  This is a short circuit, so we’re going to do four rounds.  And sorry/not sorry about the burpees.


1 min cardio




suitcase swings


ball bench press


lunge to curl






pretty princesses



Thursday, October 19, 2023

The Amazing Stickie and Mermaid

The Amazing Stickie knows that life does not always move straight ahead.  She prepares for this by doing exercises that work sideways and with twists, like the Pilates Mermaid.

Stickie has no knee problems, so the starting position is not a challenge for her.  Those of us who do have knee problems can modify by sitting crisscross applesauce or with our legs extended out in front of us.  Stickie has one leg bent in front of her so that her shin is parallel to her hips.  The other leg is bent so that her knee is next to her first foot and her other foot is tucked back by her hips.  Stickie, having an ideal body, has no trouble keeping both sit bones on the floor in this position while keeping her spine nice and straight.  Those of us who do struggle can prop up the side that does touch the ground to keep things even.


From this starting position, Stickie inhales and raises her arms to shoulder level, keeping her shoulders away from her ears.  As she exhales, she bends to the side away from her feet, one arm coming overhead and the other arm reaching toward the floor.  She does not twist her spine forward or back.  She moves as if she is pressed between two panes of glass.  As she inhales, she returns to the starting position.


After doing several reps, Stickie performs the counter stretch, in which she side bends toward her feet.  Then she repeats the whole thing with her legs set up the other way.