It is theoretically possible that the perfect workout exists. If we find it and do it, we will be the Most Fit Ever and we will never have to search again. I expect the workout is right next to a cute bathing suit, a non-stressful dentist appointment, and ice cream that is both edible and calorie free.
Admittedly, some workouts are better than others. The Very Best Workouts are… the ones we actually do. Those are the ones that make us fitter and stronger and leaner and all the other good stuff.
What that means is that we need to take some very basic things into account and then get to work. Are we sweaty at the end? Did we spend at least some of the time breathless? Did we have fun? Were we a little sore the next day? If yes, awesome! Carry on.
Every month or six weeks or so, we need to ask those questions over again because if we are doing our workouts, we will be stronger and fitter and all the things and we’ll need to adjust to keep challenging our bodies. But again: we need to make sure that we really do the work. (Say, for example, that someone makes The Very Best Running Workout. I don’t care how fabulous it is; I won’t do it because I hate running. It is not the Very Best Workout for me. I need one that I will do, not one that challenges my ability to come up with reasons why I’m not going to work out today.)
Go play.