Wednesday, November 13, 2019

How about a flamingo with your veggies?

In the immortal words of noted sage Mary Poppins, a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.  Given the inflammatory effects of sugar in my personal body, I’m not sure I’m down with her literal message, but I completely support her point:  let’s have as much fun as possible while we get whatever we have to do done.

I have not actually tried working out to the Mary Poppins soundtrack, but I can see how it might be hilarious and thus, potentially, a good idea for a day when I’d just rather not.  Some people find that crazy workout pants make the difference between showing up to show off or stay home.  I once got someone to finish a workout by encouraging her to think of the best possible names to call me while she worked—and we both got a bonus ab workout from laughing so hard.

On an even more basic level, it helps to choose workouts that we actually enjoy anyway.  There is no reason to run when we hate running—we can swim, bike, dance, ellipt, roller skate, row, ski, or anything else that gets our heart rates up.

The point of workouts is to bring more joy into our lives in the long term sense.  It’s good to have some in the short term, too.

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