Wednesday, November 29, 2017

The game is 100% offense, 100% defense, and 100% special teams...

In a broad sense, most exercisers prefer either cardio or weight-lifting.  Yes, some people like both and some unfortunate souls don’t enjoy either one, but most of us have a preference.  Here’s the thing:  we all have to do the one we like less.

If you are a cardio-lover, weight training can help you burn more fat.  Your muscles will look more shapely.  You will be able to open your own jars and rearrange your own furniture.  Posing in the mirror will be more fun.

If you love those weights, cardio can boost your endurance.  Also your mood.  Mixing in cardio intervals increases the workout challenge and forces your muscles to work even harder.  Think of cardio as weight training for your heart muscle.

As Deion Sanders once said, “Both, Coach.”

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