Thursday, November 16, 2017

Inside out or outside in

Sometimes it is tempting to let the weather win when it comes to working out.  It can be hard to leave the nice warm covers to lift weights or run or bike or swim or dance.  I try to use one of two opposing methods to get myself motivated when the weather is bad.

One is to embrace the weather.  We are an advanced civilization.  We have raincoats with hoods and non-skid soles on our shoes.  I can go walk anyway.  It’s not like I can’t jump in a hot shower and dry off with a fluffy towel afterwards.  I can’t think of a rain-based sport off the top of my head, but without snow, there would be no skiing.  We need some kinds of weather to enable some kinds of play.

The other is to avoid it.  Gyms were invented so that we can do all the things without dealing with the wind and the rain and the barking dogs and the honking cars.  It is perfectly all right to work out inside.

Some days, one of these methods will appeal more than the other.  It doesn’t matter which one works.  We can keep working!

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