Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The goddess of victory says...

The culture has picked up simplicity as a buzzword.  There is a whole magazine about how buying a bunch of things will make things simpler.  Much is made of three-ingredient recipes, one-stop shopping, and seven easy steps to whatever.

That’s not what it is.  Or at least not necessarily.  We have some confusion between simplicity and optimization, between the look and the thing.  We do not need separate specialized gadgets for, say, poaching eggs, making quesadillas, and cooking bacon:  I do all those things with a pan.

In working out, we all have favorite toys:  bikes, weights, goggles, classes.  You can’t open a magazine without seeing some version of the perfect workout that uses just resistance bands, or tin cans, or park benches, or space aliens (actually, I would read the space alien one…).  Do whatever works.  Do what you like, what pushes you, and what your body responds to.  It doesn’t have to be complicated.  Just move.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Petals are kind of like pedals...

Over the weekend, shockingly, I went on a bike ride.  It was tougher than I expected in some ways.  Afterward, I talked it over with my Bike Guru because I suspected it had to do with food.

Side note:  It is really really really useful and fun to have smart friends to think things through with.  Pooling experience, swapping stories, and discussing strategies for survival make everything better.

We agreed that the particular ride was challenging because of food, water, and logistics.  The specifics don’t matter (although if you are interested, I will happily bore you with deep details…).  I spend plenty of time discussing choosing well with food, both in quantity and quality.  Usually it is a question of eating less of the former and choosing better examples of the latter.  However, when we do endurance things, hard stuff, we have to eat more.

Otherwise, we can end up performing less well, hurting more, and feeling much more stupid.  Lack of fuel promotes bad decision-making and crabbiness.  It also makes it hard to appreciate the passing scenery, which, on my ride, included emus.

Monday, May 25, 2015

I'll be popular some other time

It’s not very nice of me to talk about food on a day when many people have parties.  Oh well.  I guess I’m just not a nice girl.

Obviously, we all need to eat.  I would argue that it isn’t just about making sure the body has nutrients; it’s also about feeding our souls and building our communities and enjoying ourselves.

Here’s the thing:  we eat too much.

Choose wisely.  Eat what you really want in appropriate quantities.  You won’t face tomorrow morning looking for the loosest pants you have.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Happy weekend!

Welcome to Memorial Day weekend.  We are all ready, right?  We’ve planned to remember the dead, get supplies for the party, and prepare the perfect outfit.  Maybe we have packed the bags, loaded the car, boarded the kids, buckled in the dogs (wait… that doesn’t sound right… are we too stressed?).  Just one more thing:  plan to move your body.

Really?  Really?

Yes.  Somewhere in between the events and the s’mores and the singing of 99 Bottles of Beer, we need to move.  Even if we just offer to walk to the store to get more guacamole.  Even if we just take the fractious toddlers to the playground for a while and maybe sneak in a little swinging or sliding ourselves.  It will keep you from feeling like a ton of bricks on Tuesday morning.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Why, yes, I do have my bike on my desktop

I’m in the middle of Steve Wozniak’s book iWoz, which is probably not anyone’s first thought about fitness reading in spite of his performance on Dancing With the Stars.  I haven’t got to that part yet.  Heck, I haven’t even got to the part where he goes to Cal or starts Apple.

What I have read, however, is about his fascination with making computers more streamlined, using fewer parts to do the same functions.  (Actual engineers can start making fun of me now for my super oversimplification.)  That is exactly what fitness trainers do when we work to get efficient motion and good form.  The goal is to recruit only the correct muscles with precise timing to maximize results.  We integrate the software with the hardware, so to speak, encouraging body and mind to work together.

When we are doing things right, we get an economy of motion, an elegance and grace.  What’s not to like?

Monday, May 18, 2015

Alternative modes of transportation

Over the weekend, I drove to a place that I usually arrive at on a bike.  Then, with my son and almost-daughter and dogs, I hiked.  Three different modes of transportation provide three different views of the same scene.

In the car, the hills were negligible.  I had an overall impression of winding road and greenery.  In the same location on a bike, I got to know every patch of gravel, befriended every flower, celebrated every semi-flat spot in the road.  Hiking was even slower.  I got to take pictures of things.  I got to pet dogs and chat with children in capes saving the world.

Variety is good.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Sing along with the record!

(I can't figure out how to get videos here correctly, so here is a link to an appropriate song from Queen and David Bowie.)

Tick… tick… tick.  Whether it is the silence after that hard question or the end of the fourth quarter or the last lap of a race or, if you happen to be James Bond, the remaining time on the detonator, we all know about pressure.  We also have a collective myth that some people perform better than ever under pressure.  Performing Under Pressure:  The Science of Doing Your Best When It Matters Most by Hendrie Weisinger and J.P. Pawliw-Fry debunks the myth and provides some techniques that can help us cope with pressure.

The first section of the book defines and discusses what pressure is and what it does to us.  It examines the data about performance in pressure situations, which does not support the concept of the “clutch” player.  The authors argue that no one does better under pressure than not under pressure; some people just manage to do less poorly than others.

The second section provides short term help for pressure situations.  The tips focus on how to cope with the symptoms of pressure.  They suggest that using the tips in the moment will improve performance.  (I just finished reading the book last night, so I have not personally experimented with the techniques yet, but they look promising.)

The final section is perhaps the most interesting, in that it lays out a plan for character development to address some of the root causes of pressure.  The cute acronym “COTE” of armor annoys the heck out of me, but cultivating confidence, optimism, tenacity, and enthusiasm seems like a good idea.

In all, it is an interesting read, if not a life-changing book.