The weather (mostly) is getting nicer. Here are a couple of things to consider before taking the workout outside.
1. Sunscreen. The kind that doesn’t drip into our eyes when we sweat is good.
2. Hat. Even more effective than sunscreen! And it hides our workout hair!
3. Bug spray. Hiking and mountain biking and trail running are all great, but less great when we become a roving buffet for the local insects.
4. Layers. Our days may start out or end up chilly. We may need a jacket and then… not.
5. Snacks. The middle of nowhere may not have any on offer, so bring your own noshes and gulps.
6. Safety plan. Some of the more remote places we get off to don’t have cell reception. Make sure someone knows you are going and when to expect you back! Bring identification, a little cash, and a credit card.
Go play outside!