Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Not just the spice...

Cross-training can be good for us.  At the most basic level, it keeps us from getting bored, both mentally and physically.  Doing the same thing every workout allows us to go into autopilot, making it difficult to move mindfully.  The body, without any novel challenge, settles into a rut and stops making progress.

Changing up the kind of workout we do also helps prevent repetitive stress injuries.  We’ve all heard of tennis elbow and runner’s knee; those injuries come from doing the same thing over and over and over.  It’s one thing if we are professional athletes who make our livings in one particular sport.  The rest of us can mix it up, resting whatever is worn out and working something else.

If it has been all about the running, try some swimming.  Too much dance?  Maybe it’s time for Pilates.  Is everything stiff from all that weight training?  Yoga class to the rescue!  Variety can save the day.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Fight the Patriarchy!

I am always in favor of listening to the body.  Sometimes what is generally true is not true for us, personally.  Sometimes we have to consider the source of the advice and we need to delve into research.

I’ve been doing a lot of yoga reading over the last while (no kidding!).  I found myself continually struck with the advice about what women should and should not do while menstruating.  (People with male bodies or who identify as male or who are upset at the whole idea of menstruating can tune out now.)  Since most of the advice was just that, no explanation offered, I was curious.  I also suspected that it might be historical bias rather than actual science.

I poked around a bit myself, looking for data, but then sicced the family librarian on the problem (turns out that when you send your kid to graduate school, you get to ask him research questions for the rest of his life!!!).  He found this link for me.  The short version:  most of the bias against various poses in yoga is a manifestation of the patriarchy.

Bottom line is, in yoga as in every other kind of exercise, don’t do it if it makes you feel worse.  Common sense does not cease to apply just because we are working out!

Monday, April 30, 2018

Monday Workout: Choose the right squats

This week we continue to work with multi-joint exercises and exercises that emphasize the core and balance.  Making our everyday squats into overhead squats with weights challenges our alignment and requires more effort; doing them as jump squats increases the cardio load and improves our landing mechanics for everyday activities.  Please keep in mind that doing supported squats, as with TRX or with a ball against a wall may be more appropriate for those of us with difficult knees:  we have to work out safely or we end up unable to work out at all.  Three rounds.

overhead squats/jump squats/TRX
bench rows
round lunges

clean and press
reverse flies

high knees
barbell twists