Thursday, May 24, 2018

Yeah, drink the water, too...

Recently, my health plan sent me a link to an article about five ways to improve my state of mind.  It passed my personal test for useful information on this topic:  it did not include a recommendation to hydrate, which in my opinion is a secret code for “We have no idea what actually helps, but we know drinking more water won’t hurt.”  Please note:  hydration is definitely important for keeping us healthy and cheerful.  I have nothing against hydration and in fact, I encourage us all to drink more water.

What struck me about the list was that two of the five things were directly related to fitness:  getting moving and getting enough sleep.  I realize that many of us think that these two things are diametrically opposed.  We feel that we either have time to exercise or time to sleep.  Sometimes this is true, but more often than not exercise improves the quality of our sleep enough and frees up enough energy that once we get going, we manage just fine.

Two more items were about screens and friends.  Unplugging from our tech and plugging into our real live networks both help us feel better.  The efficiency expert in me suggests grabbing a friend and heading out for a hike where there is no cell reception:  three items (four, if you count the improved sleep patterns from unplugging and moving) in one go!

(The last item was “Find your words.”  We all need help sometimes, but asking can be hard.  Please know I’m here to help…)

Minds and bodies work best together.  We can do it!

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