Friday, September 9, 2016

Friday Book Report: Full Catastrophe Living

So usually I finish reading the book before writing the book report.  Having been away and having to get things back together from being away, I am a little behind and should have chosen a shorter book.  I am about halfway through Jon Kabat-Zinn’s book, Full Catastrophe Living:  Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness.  It is awesome.

I chose to read it because it kept coming up as a major resource for mindfulness in all the other stuff I have been reading.  The book outlines Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MSBR), which is used in hospitals and medical centers.  It is both practical and inspirational, laying out the tools and the evidence for mindfulness as a way of life.  I am looking forward to reading the rest.

One caveat:  the book references a companion CD program of guided meditations.  While the book can be used without the CDs, I personally wish that I had bought both at the same time instead of waiting (somewhat impatiently now) for the CDs to arrive.  Once they do, I will be embarking on the eight week program.  Anyone want to join me?

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