We all have exercises we feel
good doing (yes, all of us, even if we have to search deep…) and ones that we
dread. Usually, the ones we dread
are the hard ones. Here are some
reasons to do them anyway.
1. You
don’t want to look like Popeye. If
you only do the exercises you like, you only develop certain muscles (“muskles?”). We don’t want to have enormous forearms
and no chest to speak of. We suck
up the exercises we don’t like to bring balance to our bodies.
2. You
want to age well. Many of the
exercises we avoid target the back of the body. We need those hamstrings for walking and running and
squatting. We need those glutes
and spinal muscles to keep us from hunching forward. We need those rhomboids to keep our shoulders back so we can
have lovely posture no matter what our age.
3. You
want bragging rights. Almost all
of us hate burpees. But I notice
that when someone wants to emphasize that it was a killer workout, that’s what
they mention.
4. You
offer yourself a reward for doing them.
I believe in self-bribery, although I think it is best if the bribes
have no calories. If you do those
over-yets, you definitely deserve that bubble bath.