Monday, June 4, 2018

Monday Workout: Suitable for Travel

I am away on vacation, but that doesn’t mean I won’t post a workout!  All body weight, usual 30/20/10 format, three rounds:

mountain climbers


high knees
side lunges
pretty princesses

Friday, June 1, 2018

Friday Book Report: The Virgin Diet

As I have said more than once, I don’t love diet books.  I am immune/mildly averse to the hyperbolic prose interspersed with amazing success stories.  Apparently, I am not the target audience despite being both female and a fitness professional.  My other disclaimer:  I am not a nutritionist and so I do not make professional recommendations about what anyone should be eating.  (This does not prevent me from suggesting common sense as a guide.)

Given all that, I didn’t hate The Virgin Diet: Why Food Intolerance is the Real Cause of Weight Gain by JJ Virgin.  She recommends eating actual food, with an emphasis on vegetables and clean protein.  Some people may benefit from her 21 day elimination diet, either by discovering previously unknown food sensitivities or simply by eating non-junk food for three weeks.  Unlike some diets, this one isn’t actually bad for anyone and there is no reliance on weird bars or prepackaged meals.

The thrust of the book is that there are seven foods that tend to cause problems for people:  gluten, soy, dairy, eggs, corn, peanuts, and sugar.  Truly wiping them out of anyone’s diet is challenging unless all processed food is avoided.  After three weeks, there are four weeks of testing whether an individual can tolerate gluten, soy, dairy, and eggs.  (Corn, peanuts, and sugar get to live forever in the Avoid If Possible realm.)

It may be worth a try.

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Do the thing

Unsurprisingly, we do the things that get rewarded.  Maybe that means we show up to work because they pay us.  In school, we bothered to organize our binders because the teacher was going to grade us on following the directions.  At some level, we are all Shaggy and Scooby, working for the Scooby snacks.

We can harness this to our advantage.  One of the privileges of being a grown-up is that we are in charge of our own Scooby snacks.  We can figure out what kind of treats (preferably not food treats, unless we really really love celery) motivate us and give them to ourselves when we do things we want to do.  I have made it through more than one workout because I knew I got to go sit in the hot tub afterwards.  Maybe reaching a milestone (finished a 5K, lifted a new record, hit an intermediate goal weight) deserves a celebratory massage.

The thing is:  we have to follow through with the reward.  Do the thing and then enjoy!