Tuesday, March 14, 2017


When I work with clients, the most important questions I ask are about what they want.  We grow toward what we practice, so it is important to choose practices that are in line with what we wish.

When those things aren’t aligned, we are as likely to get what we want by blowing dandelion seeds to the wind.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Monday Workout: More core for stability

I think this week’s workout continues our theme of stability through core strength!  Four rounds!

1 min cardio

jump lunges
flying tricep kickbacks
plank straddle jump & pushup
mountain climbers
Russian twist
femur arcs

Friday, March 10, 2017

Friday Book Report: The Nichomachean Ethics

So maybe Aristotle doesn’t make everyone’s list of top fitness writers.  I put The Nichomachean Ethics on my to-read list because it was cited in one of the books about resilience that I read; knowing what is right helps us survive. 

It turns out that Aristotle wrote a pretty good justification for personal training:  “Moreover, individual tuition, like individual treatment in medicine, is actually superior to the public sort.  For example, as a general rule rest and fasting are beneficial in a case of fever, but not, perhaps, for a particular patient; and presumably a boxing instructor does not make all his pupils adopt the same manner of fighting…” (Book X, ix).

I’m not sure that we need yet another Dead White Male telling us what is right, but the exercise of thinking is always useful.  We need to use our brains as well as our bodies to be healthy.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Girls just wanna...

Like everyone, I have a huge list of things to do.  And some of the things never seem to get done.  This is not a post about how to get All The Things Done.  It’s about perspective.

I added something to my list:  self-indulgence.  It is so easy to hyper-focus on all the shoulds and the have-tos.  It was time to trick myself into having some fun.  After all, if I can tick off a box after doing it, it must be important.

We are not here purely to do tasks.  We are here to live and to experience and to enjoy.

What are we going to do for fun today?

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Syd once wanted a cake flavored like this...

So oxalis is, technically, a weed.  Here, at least, it is an invasive species.  But I love its yellow flowers, so it doesn’t seem like a weed to me.

There’s a metaphor there.  Weediness is in the eye of the beholder.  Our “weaknesses” can be our strengths.  Maybe we grow in spite of efforts to root us out.  Maybe we persist in flowering in unlikely venues.  Maybe we network to get strong.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

I love daffodils...

Spring is coming.  I know because I’ve seen the daffodils.  Which means it is time for spring cleaning.  Here are some thoughts on what to clean out:

Old workouts:  If you’ve been slogging through the same routine all winter, it is time to shake it up!  Your muscles are bored!  They want a new challenge!

Old foods:  This can mean anything from expired canned goods in the back of the cabinet to foods that no longer feed who you are.  Let’s eat clean and fresh!

Old attitudes:  Who says you can’t do something?  It might take some practice or some training, but I bet you can.  Let’s be powerful!

Let’s go!

Monday, March 6, 2017

Monday Workout: Fun with Speed Ladder!

Speed/Agility/Quickness (SAQ) drills are a natural complement to our balance work.  When we work on SAQ, we work our core and build our ability to react to changes in our environment.  Also:  fun!  Three rounds!

ladder in in out out
1 min

ladder lateral
1 min
bench press

1 min