Cricket and Polly do some lovely
downward dogs. Perhaps it helps to
be a dog. Actually, since they
spend a large portion of the day “meditating,” I might have to describe them as
accomplished yogis. Maybe
not. Yogis don’t usually bark at
everyone who passes on the sidewalk and I hope they don’t become absorbed in
licking their own behinds.
My homeboy, Joe Pilates, watched
animals and their instinctual urge to stretch. He incorporated his observations into his system of
exercises. (So now I have cited a
real authority, not just my dogs…)
Stretching is one of those things
we tend to skip when we work out.
It does not satisfy the way weight lifting does, nor does it burn
calories and release endorphins like cardio work. For some people, it just hurts. For others, it just feels good.
The former group transforms into
the latter group with practice.
The latter group sometimes feels like it is wrong to spend time on
something that feels good when there is only limited time to work out.
Bulletin: it is okay to feel good.
Most of us have more stress than
Polly and Cricket. We have lots of
things to accomplish besides waiting hopefully for someone to drop food. For us, stretching gives both mind and body
a chance to relax and reset.
Let’s give ourselves those few
(Polly is the one tucked in with the toys; Cricket is the one with the long hair and light eyebrows.)