Thursday, February 15, 2018

Fitness when I'm not there...

My clients spend most of their lives not with me, which is probably a good thing!  However, it does mean that a lot of fitness training has to happen when I’m not there.  Sometimes clients ask me what they should be doing the rest of the time.  It’s a good and useful question.

First, cardio.  We don’t need, in most cases, a trainer there when we run or swim or bike or ellipt.  We know what to do and we just need to do it.  I recommend incorporating intervals to improve cardio performance more quickly and to bump up metabolism.

Second, flexibility.  Yes, we end our workouts together with stretching, but that is not nearly enough.  Almost all of us need to stretch more than we do now.  We neglect it because it seems like one of those things we can do later or because it feels too bad (or too good!).

Third, nutrition.  I am not a nutritionist, but we all know that feeding the body what it needs and not what it doesn’t need helps keep us fit and healthy.  If it’s all about the donuts when we’re not working out, we are probably not going to make a lot of progress toward fitness goals.

Fourth, rest.  Fitness comes not just from work, but from recovery.  This means getting enough sleep and allowing muscles enough time between weight workouts to rebound.

Finally, more strength work, maybe.  See the previous item.  However, if we are only working out together once a week, an additional workout or two can be useful, particularly if the goal is increasing muscle and decreasing body fat.  This is one reason why I post the weekly workout on Mondays; it is available for personal use!

Spending an hour or two a week with me is good for fitness, but it is not a magic fitness pill.  We need to make the rest of those hours count, too.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Even curmudgeons like me like love and hearts...

I am not a fan of Valentine’s Day.  Some of it has to do with the commercialization of emotion—love exists even without chocolate and flowers.  Some of it has to do with the gloating of the Haves and the misery of the Have-Nots in the romance department.  Some of it is doubtless the remnant of middle school drama.

Not that I don’t love love.  And hearts!  But love and hearts both need to be exercised every day, not just on one magic calendar square.  Here are five things to do for love and five things things to do for hearts, all of which can be done any day.

For love:
1.     Give hugs.
2.     Take out the trash.
3.     Listen, whatever your loved one is saying.
4.     Laugh.
5.     Show up on time.

For hearts:
1.     Dance.
2.     Run around, maybe with a ball or Frisbee or kid or dog or friend.
3.     Swim.
4.     Try out those cardio machines at the gym (elliptical, Nordic track, rowing…)

5.     Get sweaty with a loved one, in your choice of activities!

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Sometimes bad stuff happens. Be kind.

Sometimes we have setbacks.  We get injured or sick.  We take on a new work project that eats into the free time we didn’t really have to begin with.  Our favorite fitness instructor moves.  We have family stuff going on with kids or parents or spouses.  It happens.

There are two things to do when this happens and both of them are important.  I’m going to say one of them twice because it’s the harder one.

First, we have to treat ourselves with kindness.  That means we don’t beat ourselves up for being lazy or old or hurt or busy or whatever.  We give ourselves a hug, literally or metaphorically.  We don’t get into a tizzy about the emotional support cookie we may have eaten, but we also make sure we eat an emotional support salad next time, just to keep things in balance.  We take ourselves to the doctor when we need to.  We remember to breathe.

Second, we find another way.  Maybe we can’t do a lower body workout; time for arms!  Maybe we step outside for a walk break instead of a coffee break.  Maybe we consult with our friends and partners.  We are smart and creative people.  We can figure out what to do, even if it is exercising our patience until we have recovered enough to exercise our bodies again.

But remember:  we have to treat ourselves with kindness.  Being mean to ourselves will not help.