Some of us define working
out in terms of punishment. We say
things like, “I’m really going to have to work hard at the gym today because of
that cookie.” Workouts are described as
torture. We speak of having our butts
kicked. Sure, in many cases, it’s just
word play, but the attitude is there.
I am not about to tell
anyone that working out becomes easier if we just pretend we have a positive
attitude. Working out can and often
should be difficult. Difficult things, however,
do not have to be punishments. Is it a
punishment when a musician plays a supremely complicated piece? Nope.
It’s a welcome challenge and a demonstration of skill built up by long
practice. Under the best circumstances,
it is play.
My studio is called
Recess on purpose. We will do hard
things, but we will have fun doing them.
We do not deserve to be punished; we deserve to have a good time while
we get stronger.