Thursday, February 22, 2018

Get home before dark...

When I was a kid and I was naughty, my mom sent me to my room (at least until she realized that I kind of liked going to my room because there were books in there and my little brother wasn’t in there).  Her goal, of course, was punishment because she believed it would lead to better behavior.  I definitely believe in better behavior, but I’m not sure it comes from punishment.

My new plan to get better behavior from myself—yep, I’m a grown-up and I have to monitor my own actions—is to send myself outside when my behavior needs modification.  A great many things can be improved by a walk, whether it is a quick round of the block or a more extensive tour of the neighborhood or a hike.  Outside exercise is more effective for reducing depression.  There is a whole raft of data about the benefits of “forest bathing.”  For me, I think there is something about sunlight and fresh air.

I know I’m not the only one who could benefit from a little more outside time.  The days are getting lighter.  The time has come!

Anybody want to go out and play?  I’ve got a football and a Frisbee…

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