Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Moving counts as moving...

My parents are moving.  My father is turning 79 shortly and had one of two needed knee replacements last year; my mother just turned 75 and had back surgery last summer.  My weekend workout was packing and lugging boxes.

We all know the rule for moving boxes:  no packing anything heavier than you can lift.  The problem is that sometimes the definition of “heavier than you can lift” for the packer is not the same as it will be for the unpacker or the person who has to shift the box from one side of the garage to the other.  It takes a lot more boxes to pack appropriately for two septuagenarians than for a couple of college students.

The general rules for real-life workouts like packing to move are similar to regular workouts.  Work hard; take breaks; make sure you hydrate.  These rules can be applied to other real life workouts like landscaping, visits with active children or teens, and escaping from zombies (except I don’t recommend taking breaks while running from zombies unless you have reached a safe location).

Keep in mind that fitness happens everywhere.  The more we prepare, the easier it is.  Also:  please throw out all the lidless plastic containers now.

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