Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Look! A pretty flower!

I personally like the change back to standard time from daylight savings.  I get up really early, so it is nice to have the light when I’m trying to wake up.  I realize this is not a universally held opinion and that many people find this time of year a struggle because of lack of light.  Which brings me to today’s cheerful topic:  depression.  Really, the topic is how working out helps depression, which is cheerful.

First, endorphins.  Exercise stimulates our bodies to produce them.  They make us feel good.  I could elaborate on how studies show this or that or whatever, but the short version is:  move, move often, and move quickly.

Second, hydration.  When we work out, we have very little choice but to hydrate.  Dehydration causes all kinds of nasty stuff to happen, including general irritability.  Drinking lots of water can make us into nicer people who feel better!

Third, efficacy.  One of the worst parts of depression is the lethargy.  Accomplishing anything (really, anything—getting out of bed counts!) can help.  Managing to exercise, which has so many positive repercussions throughout our lives, is accomplishing things for bonus points.

For more bonus points, we can work out outside where the light can get to us.  Go play.

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